KadiVeza is a fast-paced card high-score puzzle game developed for the Kenney Game Jam 2024. The theme of the jam was "Connection"

Your goal is to connect cards to make points.

Clean-up the table to pass to the next round.

To play you can either click (mouse left button) in a solo card to simply get its value points or click-and-drag from a card to another to multiply each new card value points by a combo Multiplier. You always get your points when you release your mouse button.

The combo Multiplier increases in two ways:

- if the card has the same Suit as the one just before, your combo Multiplier increases of 1

- if the card has the same Value as the one just before, your combo Multiplier is multiplied by 2

But be careful, you only have 3 lifes! You can lose a life if:

- a card has neither the same Suit nor the same Value as the one before

- Your Timer of 10 seconds runs out and you didn't do any points

Play through 8 rounds and try to get the high score in the Leaderboard!

Thank you for playing and I hope you enjoy!

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